salt marshes

美 [sɔːlt ˈmɑrʃəz]英 [sɔːlt ˈmɑːʃɪz]
  • n.盐沼(在海岸附近,常遭咸水淹灌)
  • salt marsh的复数
salt marshessalt marshes

salt marshes


  • 1
    N-VAR 盐沼;盐碱滩
    A salt marsh is an area of flat, wet ground which is sometimes covered by salt water or contains areas of salt water.

  1. Recover salt marshes using manmade ecology engineer needs 10 years .


  2. In addition to human development , another process is that have reduced the size of the salt marshes .


  3. The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl .


  4. Salt marshes are among the least inviting environments for plants .


  5. Coastal salt marshes are located at the boundary between ocean and land .


  6. A Review of Methane Emission from Spartina Plants in Salt Marshes


  7. Special plants grow on salt marshes .


  8. Contemporary Sedimentation Rates on Salt Marshes at Wanggang , Jiangsu , China


  9. Application of ~ ( 137 ) cs chronology to coastal salt marshes


  10. Large enough area must be keep outside the seawall in order that the salt marshes recover naturally .


  11. Genus of herbs usually growing in salt marshes : water pimpernels .


  12. Salt marshes help to defend the coastline by absorbing the energy of the waves .


  13. Strong wind and salt marshes near the lake make it one of the four sources of sandstorms in China .


  14. These are the salt marshes of Essex , just outside of London .


  15. Showy shrub of salt marshes of the eastern United States having large rose-colored flowers .


  16. Professor : Ok , today we are going to continue our discussion of plant life in coastal salt marshes of North America .


  17. Tall erect herbs with sword-shaped leaves ; cosmopolitan in fresh and salt marshes .


  18. In order to achieve the tidal flat sustainable utilizing , the ecology protection of the salt marshes must be considered when reclaiming .


  19. Bushy plant of Old World salt marshes and sea beaches having prickly leaves ; burned to produce a crude soda ash .


  20. Sand goby is a fish usually present in estuaries , lagoons , salt marshes and along coastal waters of Thailand .


  21. Effects of an alien species ( Spartina alterniflora ) on soil microorganism diversity in salt marshes , Jiangsu coastal inter-tidal ecosystem


  22. According to surface elevations of stations and calculated sedimentation rates in different stages , the applicability of Pethick-Allen model is analysed in Jiangsu tidal salt marshes .


  23. So instead of building more seawalls , in some places farmland is flooded , and salt marshes recreated , giving natural protection to the coast .


  24. Along the east Chinese coastline , there are many salt marshes that have developed extensively , which has created favorable environment for the study of coastal salt marsh foraminifera .


  25. A shrub of salt marshes of eastern and south central North America and West Indies ; fruit is surrounded with white plumelike hairy tufts .


  26. For5 years , Kuris and his colleagues waded through the mud and sand flats of three salt marshes , one in southern California and two in Baja California .


  27. With the rapid development of cities in Yangtze River Delta , the potential of available resources and environmental benefits of salt marshes in Yangtze River Estuary are getting more and more concern by experts and scholars .


  28. She said the April 2010 explosion that sent millions of gallons of crude oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico threatens the hard-to-reach salt marshes lining the Gulf Coast .


  29. He 'll be researching how bridges and culverts that have been installed to allow tidal waters to move underneath roads between the sea and the salt marshes , well , they are often too small .


  30. All along this uninhabited shoreline , sea islands , salt marshes , and sandy beaches provide a perfect resting place for Tundra swans , coots , gallinules , and other water birds .
